
Ready to train?

This page walks you through the Family CARS - Competency Addressing Religion and Spirituality- training curriculum.

How to implement in a graduate classroom, or practica/internship site didactic training

Workbook and Videos for training

A suggested timeline for training

Evaluation methods

Our ideas on how to use Family CARS in your graduate classroom

The research on Family CARS was largely on graduate students and professionals who participated in the group live in an online peer-led group.  Here are our ideas on how to implement Family CARS in you class in 5 hours, 3 hours, 1hours, or 0 hours of class time
Family CARS: Competency Addressing Religion and Spirituality

Training Resources!

Step 2
Watch the Videos

We recommend you watch the videos together in a watch party, discussing questions and cases after each video

Alternatively, you could watch the videos ahead of meeting, and then discuss each

Step 3
Application to Cases

Groups: In your workbook you will find group discussion questions and case studies to discuss that were introduced in the videos. 

If working individually you can use the workbook for reflective writing

Link to the Full YouTube video playlist


Family CARS Video Links

Link to Individual Training Videos
Module 2: ResearchModule 3: AssessmentModule 4: Systems TheoryModule 5: Case ApplicationCARS Certificate

Want to evaluate student learning?

Student can turn in their workbook

The workbook is evidence of engagement in the learning process.  Students can turn in their workbook (or scan and upload it) for you to evaluate them.  The link to download the workbook is above.


As part of our study we created a self-evaluation questionnaire.  We also used Holly Oxhandler's self-evaluation questionnaire on Religious and Spiritual Competency generally.  You can download those below.

Case Study Rubric

We tested a rubric to evaluate student responses to case study scenarios.  The rubric had great inter-rater reliability.  So we offer it to you as course instructor.  You can have students answer questions about the 5 case studies.  They can self-evaluate, peer-evaluate or professor-evaluate them on the rubric.