The Individually Paced Family CARS Study


We are so glad that you decided to participate in the Individually Paced Family CARS Study

What's next?

  1. Give Consent

Give Consent and Complete the Questions Prior to the Training

2. Complete the Training

Complete the Video and Workbook Training within 2 weeks

3. Complete the Follow Up Surveys

There are two Follow up Surveys to measure learning.  

They will be sent to you two weeks and four weeks after you begin the study

There are $17 gift cards for each of the questionnaires, for a total of $51

Step by Step

Make sure you Follow the Steps in Order
What’s needed
Gift Cards
Consent &
Initial Questions

Fill out the informed consent and initial online questions prior to the training


Consent &
Initial Questions

If the funds from the link above  have run out (when you click it, then you get a message that it's closed), you have the option to participate in the study without the gift card income.  


Get the workbook

Download the Individual Workbook. You may need to print the workbook or have two devices to watch the video and fill in the workbook as you watch.

FREE training

Watch the Videos

Watch the videos that correspond to the workbook.  The Videos are found on this website.  Click button to the right to take you there.

FREE training

Follow up Questions

We will remind you when it's time for the 2-week and 4-week follow up questions to complete online.

$17.00 each time

Email us